Drawing&Painting: Sketchbook Assignment 1, Due Friday Sept. 20th
Sketch1: Complete a contour line drawing(outline) of any subject
Sketch 2: Complete a second contour line drawing(outline) of any subject
Sketch 3: Create a blind contour(don’t look at the paper), in which do not look at your paper or lift your pencil. Any subject
Sketch 4: Find an artist online you find interesting that uses Lines and drawing in their art. To the best of your ability sketch one of their works. Label the sketch with the artist’s name. If available, also write the name of the piece and the date it was created.
Feel free to add color to any assignment!
Drawing&Painting: Sketchbook Assignment 2, Due Friday Sept. 27th
Choose four of the prompts to inspire your FOUR sketches this week. Try to incorporate any drawing techniques we are currently working on in class.
The seasons Pairs
Paris Home is where...
All that glitters... The senses
Threads It's my nature
Take cover It's not easy being green
Color outside the lines Hot and cold
Lemon Yellow Forest Floor
Black and White & red all over sunset
Metallics Autumn
Food A Pet
Liquid Halloween
Drawing&Painting: Sketchbook Assignment 3, Due Friday Oct. 4th
This week I would like you to research some artists. Choose FOUR artists from the list and research their work, sketch one of their pieces of art, write down the name and date it was created.
Da Vinci Rembrandt Michelangelo
Claude Monet Edgar Degas Pierre-Auguste Renoir Mary Cassat or Paul Cezanne orGeorgia O’Keefe
Andy Warhol- Roy Lichtenstein- Jasper Johns - Wayne Thiebaud
OrClaes Oldenburg
Drawing&Painting: Sketchbook Assignment 4, Due Monday Oct. 14th
The Elements of art: Line, Shape, Space, Texture, Form, Color and Value
Fill four pages with drawing, painting and/or collaging. The images must include examples of each of the 7 elements of art. Please label the elements on your pages.
Drawing&Painting: Sketchbook Assignment 5, Due Friday Oct. 18th
Page 1: Make 15-20 gesture drawings on one page, but only take one minute per drawing
Sketch 2: Set up a still life of 3 or more objects and draw them using shading and value. Try to draw them to scale and with the proportions correct.
Sketch 3: This time draw the same still life but from a different angle like from above or below. Also, try a new media or a new approach to the drawing. For example, try using contour lines.
Sketch 4: Practice shading a sphere, cone or Cube.
Drawing&Painting: Sketchbook Assignment 6, Due Friday Oct. 25th
Make FOUR images in your sketchbook either a drawing, painting, writing OR collage. Each image should have something to do with the following themes.
Sketch 1 - Theme: THE ENVIRONMENT
Sketch 3 - Theme of MUSIC.
Drawing&Painting: Sketchbook Assignment 7, Due Friday Nov. 1st
FOUR DRAWINGS : You can draw, paint, OR collage anything you feel inspired to create! Have fun.
Drawing&Painting: Sketchbook Assignment 8, Due Friday Nov. 8th
Choose four of the prompts to inspire your FOUR sketches this week. Try to incorporate any drawing techniques we are currently working on in class.
A Pattern Oops. Wrong Color?
Lonely…object Messiest vs. cleanest
A Contradiction Ballpoint pen only!
Items in my backpack Music to my ears
Normal Not Normal
Plugged in. Strange Portrait
Animal Patterns Rearview mirror of the car.
Draw yourself as an original superhero.
Make a drawing that looks sticky.
Draw a mysterious doorway or staircase.
Find a trash can. Draw its contents.
Copy a famous artist found online
Sketchbook Assignment 9, Due Friday Nov. 15th
Sketch 1: Use all of the colors from the color wheel to collage a design of your choosing. Use scraps of paper, old magazines, printed pages from the internet or whatever you find. Help yourself to the magazines under my counter in the back corner of the classroom. It must include REDs, ORANGEs, YELLOWs, GREENs, BLUEs, and PURPLEs
Sketch 2, 3 and 4: Choose three of the following prompts and make a sketch inspired by the prompt. If available, try to incorporate color.
Draw a slice of the best pizza you have ever seen , Draw junk food and the wrapper, Draw your favorite food, Create your own restaurant. Draw the restaurant or the inside or outside, Draw the ingredients or process of your favorite recipe, Draw salt and pepper shakers, Draw fresh fruit or vegetables, or something fresh from the oven, Draw a salad., Draw the oldest thing in your refrigerator., Make a drawing that is totally truthful. Make a drawing that lies all over the place. Make a drawing that is completely and utterly impossible. Story Illustration: Fix a story that you don’t like, or reflect/improve upon one you do. Let someone else choose your subject and tell you what to draw. Draw your greatest fear. Use song lyrics, quotes, or poetry to inspire a drawing. Find the three most useless objects you can and draw them. Draw an interesting form of transportation. Draw something for which you are thankful. Go somewhere new and draw what you see. Draw something that can’t be turned off. Draw something soothing. Draw something you think sounds or smells incredible. Draw something that needs fixing. Draw something you’ve always wanted. Draw something out of place.Draw something that should have been invented by now. Draw something you keep putting off, or something that causes you to procrastinate.Draw everything on a restaurant table.Draw your hand. Draw your friend’s hand. Draw a stranger’s hand. Draw a teacher teaching. Draw a teacher on their computer. Draw a teacher helping a student. Draw a classmate that doesn’t know you are drawing them. Draw a group of students in a class.
Sketchbook Assignment 10, Due Friday Nov. 22nd
Sketch 1: Draw a regular geometric style pattern of shapes on a past assignment.
Sketch 2: Use letters and numbers to make a design BUT DO NOT try to make it say anything. It should be something inscrutable. Remember, make this over a previous homework or classwork assignment.
Sketch 3: Make a pattern based on something you would see in nature, think close up. Example: tree bark
Again, make this over a previous homework or classwork assignment
Sketch 4: Add on to another weeks drawing in some creative way. For example, draw an animal eating out of one of the previous vases/bowls you drew or.....
Sketchbook Assignment 11, Due Dec. 6th
Sketch 1:Sketch a winter landscape. Consider foreground, middleground and background in your composition.
Sketch 2: Sketch a tree that is specific to your favorite season.
Sketch 3: Sketch a landscape that takes place in summer. Think about adding clouds, sky, water and/or a horizon line. The location of this sketch can take place anywhere.
Sketch 4: Sketch an unrealistic landscape. Consider an imaginary place, perhaps from a book or film.
Sketchbook Assignment 12, Due Friday Dec. 13th
Sketch 1: Find a face in a magazine. Cut it out, cut it in half and glue the half into your sketchbook. Now draw and shade the missing half of the face.
Sketch 2: Find another interesting picture in a magazine, cut it out and glue it in to your sketchbook. Now draw and add onto the photo in some creative way.
Sketch 3: Find a Word or a group of words in a magazine or old book, cut it out and paste it into your sketchbook. Make a drawing in and around the word and try to incorporate the word into a drawing composition.
Sketch 4: Since sketch 1, 2 and 3 are pretty detailed go ahead and skip a fourth and only do three this week.
Sketchbook Assignment 13 DUE FRIDAY JAN. 10TH
Focus on Portraiture this week.
Sketch1: An easy way to learn to draw the person is by drawing the figure from a back view. Drawing a figure from the back minimizes details, stresses shape and contour and eliminates the face. Try it, draw a person from behind. To make your composition interesting and exciting, emphasize an element or principle of design.
Sketch 2: Draw a person’s head and face using exaggeration to communicate emotion. Work from a live model if possible. First use a pencil to make a general drawing. Note the shapes and planes of the face and how they fit together. Then continue over the drawing with a darker media. Utilize strong contrast to greatly exaggerate the areas you want to emphasize.
Sketch 3: Draw someone from real life, attempt a realistic drawing.
Sketch 4: Sketch a famous actor, actress, musician, artist, politician, writer OR superhero.
Sketchbook Assignment 14 DUE FRIDAY JAN. 17TH, only 3 drawings due this week
SKETCH 1: SKETCH a piece of furniture, use one point perspective to draw it accurately.
SKETCH 2: Sketch a room, either a real space or a made up interior. Focus on one point perspective.
SKETCH 3: Sketch an outdoor scene using one point perspective to give the drawing depth.
Sketchbook Assignment 15 DUE FRIDAY JAN. 24TH
FOUR DRAWINGS : You can draw, paint, OR collage anything you feel inspired to create! Have fun.
NOT DUE FALL SEMESTER Drawing&Painting: Sketchbook Assignment
Directions: Your first assignment is about getting over the fear of a blank book and allowing for freedom and creativity. You will simply be covering pages with backgrounds and borders that will be drawn over top of in future assignments. Each page can now be “used” and hopefully the white page syndrome of the sketchbook will fall by the wayside. Remember you are not creating finished works, but creating interesting surfaces or borders to draw onto later.
You could draw a border around a page that is made up of doodles with pencil or pen-Put your drawing tool on a page -Close your eyes and draw for 30 seconds - Create a two color wash on the page.(wash=watered down paint, or watercolor) - Collage text on the page - Scribble on the page with pencil; blend with a paper towel to create a value - Create a one color wash on the page - Cut squares in the page - Draw a childlike drawing on the page and paint over it - Create a repetitive pattern on the page using a geometric shape - Find a simple object and cover the page with simple contour drawings of it - Using muted colors paint a page - Create a texture on the page with paint by lifting paint with a towel - Create a negative space painting with a wash - Cover the page with writing about your first day and summer - Collage random pieces on the page - Cut strips of colored paper and glue to the surface - Doodle on the page with a pen - Trade books and have another student treat the surface of a page - Tear a page out and re-collage onto another page - Find a leaf outside - Represent the leaf in some way on the page.