Sketchbook Assignment 1, Due 9/23

Directions: Your first assignment is about getting over the fear of a blank book and allowing for freedom and creativity. You will simply be covering pages with backgrounds and borders that will be drawn over top of in future assignments. Each page can now be “used” and hopefully the white page syndrome of the sketchbook will fall by the wayside. Remember you are not creating finished works, but creating interesting surfaces or borders to draw onto later.


You could draw a border around a page that is made up of doodles with pencil or pen-Put your drawing tool on a page -Close your eyes and draw for 30 seconds - Create a two color wash on the page.(wash=watered down paint, or watercolor) - Collage text on the page - Scribble on the page with pencil; blend with a paper towel to create a value - Create a one color wash on the page - Cut squares in the page - Draw a childlike drawing on the page and paint over it - Create a repetitive pattern on the page using a geometric shape - Find a simple object and cover the page with simple contour drawings of it - Using muted colors paint a page - Create a texture on the page with paint by lifting paint with a towel - Create a negative space painting with a wash - Cover the page with writing about your first day and summer - Collage random pieces on the page - Cut strips of colored paper and glue to the surface - Doodle on the page with a pen - Trade books and have another student treat the surface of a page - Tear a page out and re-collage onto another page - Find a leaf outside - Represent the leaf in some way on the page.

Sketchbook Assignment 2, Due Friday 9/30

 Sketch 1: Your next printing assignment is going to be based on a face, specifically a mask. Draw a cartoon, made-up, distorted or any kind of creative face you can think up.

 Sketch 2: Google a favorite Halloween mask. Sketch it.

 Sketch 3: Google “Masks of the World” and sketch an example. Add color.

 Sketch 4: AGAIN, Google “Masks of the World” and sketch an example. Add color.

 Sketchbook Assignment 3, Due Friday 10/7

 Sketch 1: Think of a favorite book from your childhood, what illustrations or images(from that book) come to mind. Sketch one.

 Sketch 2: Think about a favorite band, look at the art from one of their album covers. Sketch some of the images, write a few thoughts about how the art illustrates what the band is about.

 Sketch 3Write out the lyrics to a favorite song.

 Sketch 4: Draw two images that illustrate and go with the lyrics that you just wrote. Draw them on the same page.

Sketchbook Assignment 4, Due Monday 10/17

 Sketch 1: Google “Stencil ART” and sketch an example that you found interesting. Make sure to write down the name of the artist. 

 Sketch 2:  Google “Japanese Stencil Art” and describe what you see and sketch an example.

 Sketch 3: Google the artist Shepard Fairy, sketch one of his pieces that you find interesting. Write a few sentences as to why you like it.

 Sketch 4: Google the artist Banksy, sketch one of his pieces that you find interesting.  Write a few sentences as to why you like it.

 Sketchbook Assignment 5, Due Friday 10/21

 Sketch 1: Look up the art of Andy Warhol. Sketch one of his pieces, write the name of the work, the date and your opinion of the work.

 Sketch 2: Look up another piece by Andy Warhol. Sketch one of his pieces, write the name of the work, the date and your opinion of the work.

 Sketch 3:  If you could put anything on a shirt, what would it be? Sketch, Draw, Paint, Color And/OR collage it.

 Sketch 4: If you could put anything on a shirt, what would it be? Sketch, Draw, Paint, Color And/OR collage it.

 Sketchbook Assignment 6, Due Friday 10/28

 Sketch 1: Sketch imagery and write down some ideas that concern a social, political or environmental issue that you find interesting.

 Sketch 2: . Again, Sketch imagery and write down some facts and ideas that concern a social, political or environmental issue that you find interesting.

 Sketch 3: Google the artist Barbara Kruger, describe her work and sketch one of her pieces.

 Sketch 4: Google the artist Robert Indiana, describe his work and sketch one of his pieces.

 Sketchbook Assignment 7, Due Friday 11/4

 FOUR SKETCHES/PAGES : You can draw, paint, OR collage anything you feel inspired to create! Have fun.

Sketchbook Assignment 8, Due Monday 11/14(no school on Friday 11/11)

Choose four of the prompts to inspire your FOUR sketches this week.

 Draw what is in the rearview mirror of the car.

Draw moving water. Draw still water.

Draw an object floating.

Make a drawing of all of your drawing materials.

Find a trash can. Draw its contents.

Draw tools that belong to a certain profession.

Draw three objects and their environments. One of the three should be in motion.

Draw the interior of a mechanical object. Zoom in, focus on details and shading.

Create three drawings of messes you have made.

Draw five objects with interesting textures: wood grain, floors, tiles, walls, fabric, etc.

Draw a collection of purses, wallets, or bags.

Draw your favorite well-loved object or childhood toy.

Draw a watch or another piece of jewelry.

Draw something hideous that you keep for sentimental reasons.

Draw something with a mirror image.

                  Draw yourself as an original superhero.

Make a drawing that looks sticky.

Draw a mysterious doorway or staircase.

Draw an empty room. Make it interesting.

Draw a flower. Make it dangerous.

Draw an object melting.

Draw an imaginary place, adding all kinds of details.

Draw a gumball machine that dispenses anything but gumballs.

Danger! Draw yourself in a dangerous situation.

You are on the back of the bus. Figure out who is with you, where you are going, and why.Illustrate and explain.

Draw what’s under your bed (real or imagined).

Draw the most incredible game of hide-and-seek you can imagine.

Create a new sport. You can improve an existing sport, combine two existing sports, or come up with something completely new.


Sketchbook Assignment 9, Due Friday 11/18


Think Design and Patterns this week in your sketchbook:

Sketch 1: Use letters and numbers to make a design BUT DO NOT try to make it say anything. It should be something inscrutable. Remember, make this over a previous homework or classwork assignment.

Sketch 2: Make a pattern based on something you would see in nature, think close up. i.e. tree bark

Remember, make this over a previous homework or classwork assignment

Sketch 3: Make a symmetrical patter or design. Symmetrical means it is identical and exactly the same on both sides.

Remember, make this over a previous homework or classwork assignment

Sketch 4: Make a very organized and regular pattern on a previous assignment page.


Sketchbook Assignment 10, Due Monday 11/28

Sketch1: Draw a Wintery Scene

Sketch2: Draw another wintery scene that reminds you of November-January and/or the upcoming holidays

Sketch 3: Find a real deck of cards or online and draw one of the cards

Sketch 4: Again, find a real deck of cards or find examples of cards online and this time draw a Face Card i.e. a Jack or Queen


Sketchbook Assignment 11, Due Friday 12/2

 Sketch 1: Look up the wood block prints of Heather Shimmen. Sketch one of her pieces, write the name of the work, the date and your opinion of the work.

 Sketch 2: Look up the wood block prints of Hokusai. Sketch one of his pieces, write the name of the work, the date and your opinion of the work.

 Sketch 3: Look up the wood block prints of Anne Ryan. Sketch one of his pieces, write the name of the work, the date and your opinion of the work.

 Sketch 4: Look up the linoleum prints of Dan Cautrell. Sketch one of his pieces, write the name of the work, the date and your opinion of the work.(pay special attention to where he lives)

Sketchbook Assignment 12, Due Friday 12/9

 Page 1: Find paint or some other color media and go over top of a previous assignment page

Page 2: Draw words, any words on top of or in between previous assignment page.

Page 3: Grab some magazines or old books and collage things into the negative space of a previous assignment page.

Page 4: Make doodles like a Zen Tangle in and around a previous assignment page



Sketchbook Assignment 13 due Friday 1/6

4 FREE DRAWS, make anything you find inspiring on four pages in your books.


NO school Friday 1/13 and Monday 1/16 so NO sketchbook during this time


Sketchbook Assignment 14, Due Friday 1/20

Theme: Who Are You? Your drawings don’t have to be representational, your answers can be non-literal and non-representational. Your images can include people but you are not required to draw a self-portrait for this assignment. BE CREATIVE and HAVE FUN!


Sketch1: Answer this question with an image:

At age six I was ________________________

Sketch 2: Answer this question with an image:

Now I am_____________________________

Sketch 3: Answer this question with an image:

At age 25 I will be______________________

Sketch 4: Answer this question with an image:

At age 75 I will be______________________


 Sketchbook Assignment 15, Due Friday 1/27

Sketch 1: Write down a positive statement or phrase

 Sketch 2: Draw a picture to go with your positive statement

 Sketch 3: We have been asked by RAK club to make new

posters for the school. In a pair or by yourself you will be printing a series of “positive message” posters. Sketch ideas for your final project.

 Sketch 4: Draw more ideas for your final poster project.

 Last Day of the Semester is Feb. 2nd so the final week of class will be a “Redemption Sketchbook” week. Those of you that want to make up an assignment from 2nd quarter, this is the week to do it. You can only make up one sketchbook assignment.